Reality……Autistic Children Become Autistic Adults! Services drop off and jobs are hard to come by. Most research on autism focuses on kids.
- Most adults with autism (85%) live with their parents after high school
- 85% of ASD adults who graduate from college are unemployed
- Unemployment among people with autism is approximately 90 percent
- 40% will not achieve a high school diploma
AUTISM ROADMAP High School-Transition
- Age 16, obtain state ID card
- Person Centered Plan-IEP meetings should include the SDRC and DOR (if applicable)
- Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) has work programs starting at age 16 years
- IEP should include goals in the areas of:
Self advocacy
Mobility training
Money management
Self help skills/independent living skills
Daily living skills
- Explore post-secondary options at least 2 years before graduation or exiting public school (ideally begin earlier than 2 years prior to exiting)
- High school diploma (school services end at age 18) vs. Certificate of completion (will get school services until age 22)
- Many colleges offer Disability Support Services Programs (DSPS), family would need to inquire. NO IEP’s in college! There are possible accommodations under the 504 Rehabilitation Act and Americans with Disabilities Act
The following are adults services available for clients of SDRC:
Adult Day Program Self Determination
Tailored Day Program Respite Care
Supported Employment Housing
Supported Living In-home behavioral consultations
Independent Life Skills Training Assistance with insurance co-pays
Paid Internships Crisis Intervention/Aggressiveness:
Safety Alert, Inc., START program
Microenterprise Development Conservatorship Assistance
- Does person need a conservatorship? This is a legal process that requires a hearing before a judge to determine if the individual needs to be conserved and who should be their conservator at age 18. The Regional Center is included in the process.
- Apply for SSI-available to people whose disabilities prevent them from gainful employment
- Register to vote
- All males, regardless of disability, must register for Selective Service at age 18.
- Establish Special Need Trust/ABLE Account
- Apply for Section 8 Housing
Health Care Options-Most pediatric care providers end their services when the person is 18 years old
- Medi-Cal (automatically qualify if on SSI)
- Medicare-If parents are on social security, adult dependent child qualifies for benefits on their social security and will qualify for Medicare through them
Private Medical Insurance until age 26-may be longer
Families need to consider the following questions and plan accordingly. Housing transitions typically take 1-3 years.
- Can they live independently?
- Can they live in their own home with support?
- Will they continue to live in your family home?
- Will they live in adult foster family care?