SMARTer CARE Newsletters

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    Cannabidiol (CBD) and Mental Health: The Latest 4/30/2020

    Parents and adolescents often ask primary care and mental health providers about Cannabidiol (CBD) for anxiety, sleep or other symptoms or behaviors. Here, we discuss the latest in community standards, the state of the evidence, and encourage primary care providers to be prepared to educate families on the limited role CBD should play for children […]

    New Resources from SmartCare BHCS 4/23/2020

    In the face of the ongoing stay in place directives and with so many clinical services being limited, SmartCare will be initiating two new on line resources. WEEKLY PROVIDER FORUM Wednesdays Noon-1pm This forum will offer an opportunity for open dialogue about issues and concerns related to the behavioral health needs of families. SmartCare psychiatrist, […]

    Kids (& Others) Coping with COVID-19 4/10/2020

    Who in their right mind would have thought that an extra month off from school could ever be a burden? But now, after nearly a month away from friends and classmates, and with a loss of routine and social interaction, many youth are totally done with being free from the rigors of school and being […]

    Self-Care Principles and Practices for Health Providers 4/2/2020

    Managing one’s personal and professional life during a pandemic of the proportion that is evolving on the planet is and will be a challenge for all healthcare providers. Last week, we reviewed resources available to help us help our patients care better for themselves, physically and emotionally. Today, we look at supporting and taking care […]

    SAN DIEGO RESOURCES: COVID -19 3/27/2020

    SAN DIEGO RESOURCES: COVID-19 Behavioral Health Support for Children                                                             EXPLAINING THE CORONAVIRUS: BrainPOP – Free cartoon video (about 4 min long) for upper elementary and middle schoolers – Explaining the Coronavirus to Children with Anxiety or OCD – by a child therapist – Article, Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus – Mental […]

    Managing Psychotropic Medications During the Coronavirus Emergency 3/23/2020

    These are difficult times for everyone and this special edition of SmartCare E-Weekly is being sent out early to provide guidance on recommended practice with regard to renewing and as needed adjusting psychotropic medications for patients in the face of the constraints of the health emergency. SmartCare’s on demand provider line (858) 880-6405 is and […]

    Managing Psychotropic Medications During the Coronavirus Emergency 3/23/2020

    Managing Psychotropic Medications During the Coronavirus Emergency These are difficult times for everyone and this special edition of SmartCare E-Weekly is being sent out early to provide guidance on recommended practice with regard to renewing and as needed adjusting psychotropic medications for patients in the face of the constraints of the health emergency. SmartCare’s on […]

    An Atypical Neuropsychiatric Condition: Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis 3/19/2020

    Although not a bread and butter primary care concern, Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis is a recently recognized autoimmune process that can cause significant psychiatric, neurological and medical sequelae and it is an organic systemic disorder that may first present in the primary care setting. (NMDA = N-Methyl-D-Aspartate.) In the last decade, it has been more widely […]

    Assessing and Treating Sleep Disturbance in Patients with Dementia (Part 2): Treatment 3/12/2020

    There are non-pharmacological and pharmacological options to treat sleep disturbance in patients with dementia. Non-pharmacological approaches include: light therapy, regular exercise, and behavioral treatment/sleep hygiene. In general, evening bright light treatment is helpful for sleep maintenance problems and morning light exposure is helpful for patients whose sleep is phase-delayed or who are suffering from a […]

    Assessing and Treating Sleep Disturbance in Patients with Dementia (part 1): Assessment 3/5/2020

    Sleep disturbance, including reduced sleep time, fragmented sleep, nighttime wandering, increased sleep latency, and daytime sleepiness and fatigue, are common concerns related to dementia. It is estimated that 1/3 of patients with Alzheimer’s dementia suffer from a sleep disturbance. The goal of this article is to review treatment options for sleep disturbance in patients with […]